Every day, news and information about our weight problems are presented to you. The entire country is impacted.

Not just the young and geeky, nor just the elderly and inactive, the middle-aged population works. This outbreak is really serious.

Over the past thirty years, both food professionals and the food industry as a whole have embraced the notion of lowering our fat intake. 

This was a direct result of government advice to consume fewer eggs because of their cholesterol content. Medical practitioners realised that consuming fat raises 

our risk of having cholesterol problems as a result of the discovery of that particular fact. It follows logically that fat must be unhealthy. 

As a result, an entire generation has grown up following a diet low in fat. The belief that fat was the cause of all of our health issues, 

including being overweight and blocking our arteries, was instilled in an entire generation.

What did we do next? We turned to carbs to compensate for the flavour loss of food that had the fat removed because fat is what gives many of our foods their delicious taste. 

After the fat is eliminated, the flavour must be artificially supplied to the meal. The finished product contains more carbohydrates and less fat. 

As a result, there are a lot of wonderful labels that boast "fat free" without disclosing the greater content of carbohydrates. 

Having less body fat should have resulted in a population of fit, trim, and healthy people. Right?

We were the furthest thing from the truth. As it turns out, fat is necessary for our metabolic systems to run properly. For humans to be able to use the fat, 

many of the vitamins and nutrients we consume must be properly metabolised. When did we discover this? It's probably thirty years too late for some people. 

We now have an entire generation of young people that has become a fat nation as a result of their diet of high-carbohydrate foods. 

A nation has never previously in history seen the level of obesity that exists now. Never before have we had so little while having so much. These young people are struggling with low self-esteem, 

weight-related health difficulties, and a wide range of mental problems as a result of the obesity problem. How can we assist them in solving this issue?

So, how can you determine your unique needs? For around a month, you can start a journal and record your daily caloric consumption. Keep an eye on your weight every day. 

You are eating enough calories to maintain your weight if you don't gain any weight during that month. Create a list of foods that will help you fulfil this 

daily consumption recommendation while also satifying your appetite and delighting your palate using the food pyramid and the calorie information. 

You now have a customised eating plan. This method of weight loss is the safest one. It didn't suddenly become a problem, and it won't suddenly stop being one.