The richest man in Asia, Gautam Adani, turned 60. His wife, Priti Adani, sent a touching letter to mark the occasion and to congratulate her husband on his "good health" and success.

Today marks both the 60th birthday of Gautam Adani and the 100th birthday of his father Shantilal Adani. 

On this momentous occasion, the Adani family has promised to donate 60,000 crore to a multitude of philanthropic projects.

Adani has joined the ranks of wealthy philanthropists like Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg, the CEOs of Facebook and Berkshire Hathaway, with this significant donation.

The Bloomberg news agency claims that Adani will effectively reduce Bill and Melinda French Gates' donation to their charity in 2021 by half.

Azim Premji, the former chairman of Wipro Ltd., is the Indian business tycoon with the largest charitable trust endowment, with an estimated $21 billion in assets, 

according to a 2021 report by Hurun India and EdelGive Foundation. Ratan Tata's Tata Trusts, meanwhile, has donated more than $102 billion in today's money.

The Adani group, which started out as a small agri-trading business in 1988, has expanded into a conglomerate that engages in mining, logistics, coal distribution, mining, and trading. 

Cement, data centres, airports, and renewable energy have all recently been included. The company's billionaire founder has 

also committed to investing a total of $70 billion in order to make his business the largest producer of renewable energy worldwide by 2030.

The Adani Foundation, run by his wife Priti Adani, has been working on social projects in India's rural hinterland since it was established in 1996. 

On its website, it claims to have reached more than 3.7 million individuals in 2,409 villages spread over 16 Indian states.

Gujarat-born Adani is a college dropout. He originally tried his luck in Mumbai's diamond industry before going back to Gujarat to help run his brother's 

plastics business in the early 1980s. Adani Enterprises Ltd., which he established in 1988 as an agri-trading firm, has now developed into the conglomerate's core business.

Adani's spouse, Priti Adani, holds a medical licence and a bachelor's degree in dental surgery (BDS). For the past 20 years, she has served as the Adani Foundation's director.