Every human being has the essential right to happiness in order to escape all of life’s difficulties. Happiness is a natural state, much like the seasons and scenery. Suffering is unnatural, and we only suffer because of our ignorance. Wisdom is the source of happiness. To achieve complete wisdom, to fully comprehend the purpose of existence, to fully comprehend the human-to-human relationship, is to end all suffering and be rid of all ills and evils that plague us. The ultimate of wisdom is pure delight.

Why do we have to go through so much in life? Nature is propelling us ahead in development, but we lack the spiritual consciousness to illumine the route and safely navigate the hurdles in our way. We frequently don’t see or suspect the presence of problems until they pounce on us like a tiger from the shadows. Our family circle will be complete and happy one day. A week later, death occurred, and joy was replaced by sadness. Today we have a visitor. We’re not sure why he’ll be an opponent tomorrow. We used to have a lot of money and belongings. There was an abrupt shift, and now we’re left with nothing but poverty and misery, with no apparent explanation. We used to be healthy and powerful, but both of us have passed away for no apparent reason. Aside from these major life events, we are still dealing with a myriad of minor annoyances and heartaches. We do everything we can to avoid them, yet they never hit us until they do, until we stumble over them in the darkness of our ignorance.

We need spiritual enlightenment so that we may look for hidden causes of human suffering and show how to avoid them; and if we can simply get it, the evolutionary path will be both comfortable and quick. It’s as if we’re wandering through a dimly lit, dismal room with strewn-about furniture. Our progress would be sluggish and unpleasant in the dark, and injuries would be common. We could, however, do the same route in record time and luxury provided we had access to an electric light switch.

The ancient style of education was to pack as much information, or so-called facts, as possible into one’s head while also polishing one’s personality on the outside. The belief was that a man was already a complete human being when he was born, and that all that could be done for him was to load him up with information that he could employ to varied degrees of competence depending on his natural ability. The physical man, and everything that makes up his life in the physical world, is merely a small part of the self, according to the theosophical doctrine, and that each individual’s ego possesses practically unlimited power and intelligence.


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These can be expressed in the physical world as the physical body and its invisible counterparts, which together form the complex vehicle of the ego’s manifestation, evolve and adapt to the purpose; and that spiritual illumination and wisdom are proportional to the amount of conscious effort put into such self-development. As a result, the path to happiness is illuminated from inside, and the evolutionary path we’re all on may be free of pain.

Why does death cause so much pain? The most important reason is that it isolates us from those we care about. The only other reason for our grief or fear of death is that we are unaware of its meaning in human development. As our ignorance gives way to understanding, terror fades away, and is replaced by a tranquil happiness.

Why do we have adversaries that injure us with their words or actions? Because we do not perceive the unity of all life and recognise that our wrong thinking and doing must react upon us through other people, We’re stuck in a scenario where the only way out is to cease thinking evil and patiently wait for the causes we’ve already created to exhaust themselves. When spiritual illumination arrives and we are no longer groping in the night of ignorance, the last enemy will vanish and we will cease to exist.

What causes people to be poor and afflicted? We have no knowledge of their significance or teachings, and we have no idea how to approach them because of our clumsy ignorance. They would no longer bother us if we had the wisdom to comprehend why they come to people and why they are necessary factors in their progress. These wordless teachers will leave once nature’s lesson has been fully grasped.

As a result, we are subjected to a wide range of sorrows. They’re both instructors pointing us in the right way, as well as remedies to our blundering stupidity. They are no longer needed and fade away once we have learned the lessons they have to provide. Men do not become intelligent or great by absorbing data, at least not on the surface. It is accomplished by cultivating the soul from within until the brain is flooded with the light of genius.