The truth that your mental state is the major fuel for your achievement is a given conclusion regardless of the personal development strategy or belief system you follow.
On the other hand, knowing something and putting it into practise are two different things. Make this fundamental method a part of your deliberate attempts to improve your personal development outcomes.
This practise will be applied to weight reduction as an example, but it may be applied to any element of your life that you want to improve, such as finances or relationships.
5 Steps to your Success
Step 1: Think about someone who, in your perspective, has a “good body.” Make a mental image of that person that includes as many details as you can.
Step 2: Now think about what you think that person has as a result of having such a lovely body.
Is their partner a good-looking person? As a result of their physical attractiveness, do they have more possibilities in life? Have they made any new friends? Do they command more respect than others? Will their current state of health cause them to live longer?
Step 3: Think about the top three life advantages you believe that person has but that you do not. There are undoubtedly a lot of things that come to mind, but for this exercise, just think about the three things that you care about the most.
Step 4: Recognizing that this is a mental dream and that it is not real, imagine yourself in this person’s body and how the top three items would play out in your life.
Imagine yourself with someone so appealing that you can’t keep your mind off of them if having an attractive companion was one of your priorities.
Consider yourself in this individual’s shoes if you believe this person has a lot of options in life. Consider how you could utilise each of those options to the fullest extent possible.
Imagine having that many friends, and more, if having a large number of friends was one of your top three qualities. Think of all of the activities you and your friends will do, as well as how much fun you will have.
No, I’m serious. What are your thoughts on the matter?
Step 5 is the reason for doing this exercise in the first place, not a process step.
What you’re after, you see, isn’t a good body. It’s crucial to consider how having a fantastic body makes you feel.
This is a common error that almost everyone makes when trying to increase their personal development and self-improvement. They believe that reaching a goal is the key to their success, although the goal is almost useless in reality.
What matters is the emotion that reaching the goal will elicit and maintain in the person who set the goal.
Cars and houses do not make people happy. Even when their health and physical fitness are at their best, people remain dissatisfied. When people have a lot of money, they are dissatisfied. People are dissatisfied with their lives despite having excellent occupations.
People become happy as a result of how they feel in each of these scenarios. Only concentrating on gaining a material possession, a good health, a high degree of professional achievement, or vast wealth will not supply you with enough emotional fuel to maintain your motivation long enough for you to achieve your objectives.
The concept of having things you don’t already have is practically powerless unless you have a strong emotional attachment to gaining items you don’t already have.
As Napoleon Hill puts it in his book “Think and Grow Rich,” weak desires yield weak results, much like a small fire produces a small quantity of heat.
If you want to accelerate your personal growth and achieve amazing results, you must first generate a strong desire to reach your goals by picturing what it would be like to accomplish them.
You can visualise your life as if all of your ambitions have already been realised, but if you can’t generate the emotional response that comes with truly feeling those desires, you’ll run out of gas long before you achieve your objectives.